Enter your postcode and answer a few questions about your home, such as how old it is and how many bedrooms it has.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, including your email address so we can send you a copy of your valuation.

Get an instant, free and accurate valuation using our proprietary algorithm.

Frequently Asked Questions

At Property Price Advice, we strive for accuracy and our valuations are calculated using a complex algorithm which takes into account local market conditions, recently sold prices in your area as well as averages for neighbouring properties that are similar to yours. In fact, our algorithms and statistical models provide figures within 15 per cent of real-time property values.

To ensure the most up-to-date property prices, we regularly review how we calculate valuations by comparing against Land Registry data as it’s released. For more details about how we work out your result, head to our valuation guide.

To give you the most accurate valuation, we’ll ask you a few questions about your home – for example, how many bedrooms, bathrooms and reception rooms it has, its age and whether it’s detached, a semi or terrace.

Don’t worry too much if you’re not sure of some of the details – just bear in mind that it could affect the result. Of course, if you have your heart set on moving, then we recommend booking an in-person valuation with our property partners YOPA who’ll also be able to give you advice on how to maximise your property’s value.

Unfortunately, we are not able to provide valuations for properties in Northern Ireland at this point. However, there are times when results can be offered for Scotland. Please note that we are constantly expanding our database.

This could arise from the fact that we have mirrored our results off of a nearby postcode. However, there may also be times when the specifics of your property do not fit into the typical formulae used by our algorithms. Examples could include properties associated with an extremely large garden or those insured at higher values due to their contents.

You don’t have to be in the mood to move to use our valuation tool – checking out the value of your four walls compared to the local average is a great way to decide whether those home improvements you’ve dreamt about are likely to boost its price tag.

You can also rest assured that using our free, online calculator comes with no obligations whatsoever – so why not satisfy your curiosity and find out how much your home’s worth!

We don’t just offer you a free online property valuation tool, we also offer a whole host of advice when it comes to moving and improving your home.

Whether you’re saving up, want a step-by-step guide to buying your home or are just looking to boost your property’s value – our home hub will guide and inspire, leaving you with plenty of food for thought.

The online home valuation model is based on a sophisticated algorithm. While the tool uses sophisticated technology to generate accurate results, it’s straightforward to understand how it works. First, it needs your data to cross-reference it against the database.

Once you share your data, such as postcode and your home specifications, the online valuation tool will check how much similar properties in your neighbourhood were recently sold for. Once the process is complete, you will receive a copy of your valuation in your inbox.

Given that the home market is quite dynamic, it’s often challenging to answer “how much is my house worth”. Using postal code as the only search criteria may not be enough. To get a more accurate estimate, you need to calculate house values in your street.

You can use the online valuation tool to do it effortlessly. You can use it to find out the price for every home on your street to get an idea of an average market price for homes in your nearby neighbourhood.

Land Registry is your go-to online database for house prices in the UK. It’s an alternative way to find out the price tag on your home. Whether you want to have a house valuation for a mortgage, insurance, or you are just interested in how long you need to save to afford a particular home, Land Registry can be of help.

The Land Registry database contains all property transactions in the UK. It allows you to use different filters to get exactly the results you want, including:

  • Building name or number
  • Street
  • Town or city
  • District
  • County
  • Postcode
  • House specifications
  • Min and max price
  • The date when the transactions took place

It’s pretty normal that you worry whether online home valuations are accurate or not. You are about to use the information online tools provide to make important life decisions. Let’s see how accurate they are.

While we can’t vouch for how other online valuation algorithms are accurate, the one we built here at Property Price is entirely accurate. It provides figures within 15 per cent of real-time property values. To make this accurate, we ensured our algorithm uses the following information:

  • Local market conditions
  • Your home details (home’s age, how many bedrooms, bathrooms, reception rooms, etc.)
  • Prices of recently sold properties in your area

Finally, to bring our estimates closer to real-time property values, we compare our data against Land Registry data which is regularly updated.

If you are satisfied with the online valuation report but want to get advice from a real person, consider using local agents. Local agents are experienced in this niche, and they operate in a very small market which enables them to provide you with realistic estimates.

If you want to learn how much your home is worth or even discover the potential upgrades and improvements that can increase its value, you can book an in-person valuation. Property Price Advice partners YOPA can provide very useful information, and you should consider scheduling a meeting with them.

Thanks to the internet and emerging technologies, we are living in an increasingly interconnected world. The technological achievements enable firms such as ours to connect to multiple databases to verify the prices of estates on the market and those that recently went off the market.

Thanks to these real-time updates, online valuation and current market prices are within 15 per cent of each other. After all, cutting-edge algorithms use current market prices to generate reports, which makes them accurate.

The best way to assess the actual value of your home is to compare it against the properties in your neighbourhood. Comparing prices is also a good idea if you find a perfect home on the market, but you think its price is blown out of proportion.

You can get a price comparison report to get a complete insight into the prices in a specific neighbourhood or street. You can get access to a free Price Comparison report on the Property Price Advice sold house price page. It will enable you to apply your specific criteria and review current and historical price data.

Here at Property Price Advice, we have access to the Land Registry database. Sometimes we are also allowed to scan the Registers Of Scotland database. If you are interested in properties in England, Wales, and Scotland, you can get accurate sold price data for any property in these three countries.

Unfortunately, the sold price data for properties in Northern Ireland is not available to us, and we can’t provide you with accurate insights. However, we are continuously expanding our database and will keep you informed if we get access to additional databases.

Although online home valuation tools are pretty convenient for use, using them comes with some upsides and downsides. Here are the most noteworthy ones.

Online valuation tools are handy for guidance

There are many individuals out there that find it very challenging to grasp the housing market. The prices often fluctuate, and the market tends to become very volatile from time to time. If you are thinking that you belong to this group of people, online home valuation tools can prove helpful.

Thanks to the house valuation report, you will be able to tackle the challenges head-on. You will learn the price range of your home or the house you want to buy.

Great starting point for property research

When you are working on a strict budget, you don’t have that much room to wiggle. However, you can spend countless hours browsing the offer until you find all the houses you can afford. Online valuation tools and price comparison reports can help you save time and expedite the research phase.

Whether you want to discover the average price of houses on a particular street or the price of a specific house, online home valuation tools make a great starting point for property research. Plus, you don’t have to contact anyone to get an estimate.

Useful reference tool

Comparing two or more properties on the market in terms of price can be difficult and time-consuming. Online valuation is a solid reference tool that you can use to ascertain the cost of houses in a country, postal code, or neighbourhood.

With such a helpful reference tool at your disposal, you will be able to do your research for free and make informed decisions. For instance, you can view the valuations of properties in the desired neighbourhood and compare them with houses currently listed on the market.

Each tool can generate a different value!

Now to the downsides of using online valuation tools. Every tool uses a unique algorithm and has access to different databases. This is why you can get different prices from different tools. The different prices in the reports on the same property can confuse you and make it harder for you to decide.

Limitations of online valuation tools

Every online valuation tool uses a formula to generate a price that a house could sell for. But this is a theoretical estimate. Why theoretical? Because these tools can’t automatically measure certain things.

For instance, a buyer can invest in a house, make certain improvements to increase its value. A valuation tool cannot see it and will only take into account the price from the last purchase.

Listen to professional advice!

A genuine offer on the table could be completely different from the value you find in the report after using an online valuation tool. These tools are great to provide you with initial insights into the property’s value.

However, if you should only use them as a reference point in your research, instead, listen to professional advice and be willing to negotiate. Property Price Advice has several expert real estate agents who can help you properly evaluate your property.

Here at Property Price Advice, we continuously work on bringing to you solutions to help you efficiently manage your finances. You should choose us because we deliver a full package. Not only do we have a free home valuation online tool, but we also offer plenty of actionable advice to first-time buyers as well.

Whether you need to effortlessly assess a property value, learn how to increase a home’s value, or move from one location to another, we stand at your disposal to land a helping hand. At the moment, we have three valuable tools you can access:

If you don’t know where or how to start, our professional real estate agents can help with advice and property evaluation.

If you find your home value too low, you can do many things to increase it. It can help you sell it for a higher price so that you can afford the home of your dreams.

See what your local agents think it’s worth!

First, you want to make sure that you know the precise value of your home. Yes, you can use an online valuation tool, but you should also consult with local agents. Local agents are experienced in this sort of matter. After the professionals evaluate your property, you will know exactly where you stand regarding how much your house is worth.

Pump up the value with our guides!

If you don’t like the answer to the how much is my house worth question, don’t give up. Here at Property Price Advice, we have prepared several guides to help you pump up the value of your property. Here are some of the articles you should check out:

Market Trends

If you are interested in buying or selling a home in the UK, you should consider market trends. According to the latest reports, the average house price in England increased by 1%, in Wales by 2.6%, and in Scotland by 2.4%. The average house price in Northern Ireland increased by 4%, but the houses in this country remain the cheapest in the UK overall.

The UK House Price Index stands at 133.55. The average house price in the UK is £254,624. Compared to the previous month, the prices went up by 0.9%.

No, you don’t have to pay to have your home valued. You can use a free online home valuation tool to learn how much your house is worth on the market.

Property Price Advice offers the most accurate house price estimator. It is based on a complex formula that considers your home features, local market conditions, and the prices of recently sold properties similar to yours. It also uses the data from the Land Registry to deliver accurate house price estimates.

Thanks to advanced statistical models and modern algorithms, online property valuations have become very accurate. They provide valuations that are within 15% of real-time property values.

The best home value estimator is Property Price Advice’s free online valuation tool. It enables you to enter your unique home features and cross-references them against multiple databases and recently sold houses to generate accurate price estimation.

Experienced and well-connected real estate agents can give accurate valuations, especially if you decide to use local ones. They have insights into current developments in the market and know how much similar properties go.

Yes, real estate agents are allowed to do valuations. Here at Property Price Advice, we have several expert estate agents on our team. You can book an appointment with them to help you more accurately evaluate property whether you are selling or buying.

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