Why is Moving House So Stressful? (And What You Can Do About It)

No one’s denying that moving house is stressful, but how can we minimise the stressors to make moving day more enjoyable? 

Moving house is stressful enough to put the calmest yogi into a cold sweat. It’s one of life’s most stressful experiences as it involves having to cope with change – and a lot of it all at once. Along with the emotions of saying goodbye to your home, there are potential logistical nightmares.  

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to make your move easier and help safeguard your mental health as you settle into your new pad.  

How to make moving house less stressful 

Beat the moving house stress by being prepared with this checklist.  

Get organised 

You may think that you should start preparing as soon as you know when you’ll be moving in or out of your rental home or when you’ll get the keys to a house you’ve bought. In reality, you should be organised long before you know the moving date. Start by sorting out your possessions, decluttering and packing up.  Take stock of your belongings and this will help you get a good idea of how much you will have to move on the day. If you’re hiring a removal company, book them as soon as you know the date. 

Another great way to get organised is to explore the new area you’ll be moving to (if applicable). Sign up to the community groups and get your bearings to reduce anxiety.  

Prepare finances 

You’ll need to have a firm grasp on your finances when moving into a home whether renting or buying. When buying a house, have your deposit ready to go and transfer it to your solicitor without delay. Also, account for additional expenses like the removal company and hooking up utilities.  

Prioritise self-care 

As moving day approaches, the stress creeps in closer and closer. As a result, people often forget to take care of themselves in the process. It’s easy to fall into the habit of worrying, not getting enough sleep or eating right. To reduce the stress of moving, eat a healthy diet and take relaxing showers to keep your energy up while releasing irritability. Don’t forget to take regular breaks when packing and planning – not only for your mental health but because it’ll make the process more entertaining.  

Use strategic packing 

We recommend labelling boxes on three sides so they can be read whichever way they’re placed in the moving van – the top, front and back. Also, pack items that you won’t need straight away first. Remember to pack up the fridge contents last. 

Another great way to make unpacking easier on the other end is to gather screws, nuts, washers, brackets and bolts when taking furniture apart and store them in a sealable bag. Label them accordingly and put them in the box appropriate for the room.  

Make an address change list 

Draw up a list of companies and people you need to inform of your change of address. Remember to include your employer, doctor, dentist, subscription companies, utility companies and more. No matter how early you are to alert companies, friends and families, you’ll almost certainly forget one or two. We recommend you schedule your post to be redirected with Royal Mail for at least six months. That way, you can change your address when that old company you once signed up to turns up. 

Pack a box of comfort 

Among other things, moving day can be exhausting and emotional. Prepare for high tensions by packing a box of items the whole family can use to help feel calmer. This may be toys for the children, a special mug for you or a scented candle. Use whatever you think will help you settle and relax into your new surroundings, even when there’s a whole house to unpack. 

On the day of the move 

  • Keep valuable documents handy during the move, as well as coats and handbags.  
  • Ensure you have someone to take care of your kids. You need to be focussed and organised, and trying to entertain your kids all day would just add stress. 
  • Make sure the first box you unpack in the new house contains loo roll, kettle, drinks, and snacks to keep you and the team going.  
  • Keep the essentials on hand: screwdriver, cleaning products, bin bags, a hoover, mop and metre key to take readings to start your accounts. 
  • Try not to unpack everything on the day of your move. Concentrate on getting just one room (like the living room) completely unpacked before moving onto the next.  
  • Get an early night so that you feel fully refreshed and ready to move. 

Make moving easy 

While moving day can be stressful, it can also be enjoyable and exciting. Taking steps to reduce stress and having a handy checklist on hand helps things run smoothly.  

Still looking for somewhere to move? Start by calculating your home buying budget.